Всероссийские профессиональные конкурсы педагогических работников

Организатор включен в Перечень Минпросвещения России

автор: Калинина Екатерина Сергеевна
учитель английского языка
МОБУ СОШ Бугровский ЦО № 2

Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 6 классе с применением технологии CLIL

Технологическая карта урока с применением технологии CLIL

CLIL lesson plan

Teacher’s name _________Kalinina EkaterinaSergeevna ______________________________________________

School subjects _______English,  Biology____________________________________________________________


Date             24/11/2021
Global goal(Цель урока) Creating a poster about the influence of food on our health
Aims (задачи)
  1. To revise the parts of body and organs
  2. To learn the information about the work of our body
  3. To enable  learners to understand the influence of food on our health
  4. To develop learners abilities to group material and present it in front of the class
Criteria for assessment (критерииоценивания)
  1. Identify and name the notions
  2. Compare and contrast the notions
  3. Sort material into different groups
  4. Cooperate in groups
  5. Make predictions
  6. Record findings
Teaching objectives
  • Content
  • introduction of the topic;
  • food we eat;
  • parts of body and organs;
  • functions of organs and body parts;
  • food we need for a healthy body
  • food pyramid
  • posters
  • Cognition
  • provide learners with opportunities to understand the key concepts;
  •  enable learners to identify and  name the notions, compare and contrast  them;
  •  encourage students to classify materials;
  •  arouse learner’s curiosity about  predicting,  reasoning and  recording findings
  • Culture
  • Become aware of  the influence of food on our organism and health
  • Understand  that they can  learn, no matter which language they are using
  • Communication 
  • Discuss how to improve our health with the help of food
  • Describe a poster made by a group
  1. Language of learning
Key vocabulary:  breakfast, healthy / unhealthy food, fast food, soft drinks, body, parts of body, organs, support, protect, command, control, move, pump, breath, digest, cover
  1. Language for learning
Asking questions: What did you have for breakfast….?  Can you  tell  me about ….?What do you know about…?

Classifying: This food is healthy/unhealthy because… 

Comparing and contrasting: This food is healthier …/richer in vitamins …/better for our body …  / more nutritious…than  … 


  1. Language through learning
  • distinguish language needed to carry out activities;
  • retain language revised by both the teacher and the students;
  • record, predict and learn new words which arise from activities.
Learning outcomes (планируемые результаты) By the end of the lesson students will be able to :

  • demonstrate understanding of the concepts of  healthy life;
  • distinguish language needed to talk about our organism;
  • classify information;
  • successfully engage in visual matching between concepts and images;
  • interprete visual information;
  • use language creatively;
  • ask and respond to wh-  questions about their work;
  • use a class vocabulary record of new words. 
Resources (техническое обеспечение) Computer, smartboard,  Student’s book, worksheets,  pens.

Procedure (Этапы урока)

Этапы урока Деятельность учителя Деятельность учеников Формируемые УУД
Warm up

(организационный этап)

Teacher tells students to go about the classroom and ask each other what they had for breakfast to find a pair (2 minutes) Students  have a small talk in pairs, sharing information about their today’s breakfast and find a pair   Регулятивные



Previous knowledge
  • систематизация знаний
Teacher  asks  students to make a spidergram of the key notions of the word “health”. Students  make a spidergram of the key notions: sport, good food, good sleep, good mood
  • актуализация знаний, обобщение
Teacher encourages students to divide the words on the screen into 2 groups – healthy / unhealthy food. 

Then teacher asks to look at the screen and match the names of the parts of body and organs with the pictures.

Students one by one go to the screen and revise the names of organs and parts of body, name them and match to the pictures. Регулятивные



Starting routine
    • Постановка цели и задач урока.
  • Мотивация учебной деятельности
Teacher  makes  students guess  the global goal of the lesson by writing on the board two words FOOD and BODY. Guess  the global goal of the lesson, share their ideas. Регулятивные



Thinking activity
  • Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации
Teacher  asks  to watch the video and complete the table about the functions of the body parts and organs and the necessary food for them.


Students watch the video and complete the table sharing then their results. Регулятивные



Physical break Teacher shows the video and asks students to stand up and repeat the actions. Students relax and repeat some actions from the video to music. Здоровьесбережение
  • Контроль и оценка результатов деятельности. 
Teacher asks to make groups of 4 and make posters about the influence of food on our health. Teacher  monitors  groups’ activities.

Asks to interact with partners and make notes / draw pictures.

Students  interact with partners and make notes and draw pictures. Регулятивные



Ending the lesson Teacher  asks students to present their ideas on the posters (1 student of the group). Students present their posters. Коммуникативные


  • Рефлексия.
Teacher  asks to complete a self – assessment  sheet. Students complete a self – assessment  sheet. Регулятивные

